Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week 56: Van the Man turns 60!

Waiting to get on the Ferry
 Getting moved back into the office occupied much of our time the first few days of the week. We were able to go to a senior missionary FHE at Zions Camp where we enjoyed a nice supper and viewed a short video called “Second Witness: The Elizabeth Panting Story.” Those who have gone on a Trek or seen Seventeen Miracles will appreciate this story.

It rained every day this week so when Saturday presented us with blue skies, we got our exercising in, cleaned the apartment and then headed out for an “adventure.” 

Bicycle in a tree
We caught a ferry and went to Vashon Island. It’s a delightful place; we’d like to visit there again some day. Had lunch at the Hardware Store Restaurant, walked through a few fun little shops in the area, found the “bicycle in a tree”, visited the Country Store and then decided we’d better catch the 4:00 ferry as it would soon be dark. (The sun is setting here at about 4:40 p.m.). 

The ferry line was long. We missed the 4:00 ferry and the 5:00 ferry, but made the 6:00 ferry. Oh well. We enjoyed visiting and it also gave me time to read a book on Kindle and stalk Facebook. Love technology.

BUT …. The big event this week was Van’s birthday. Van my man turned 60 on Thursday. He got a few nice gifts and cards, but he especially enjoyed hearing from each of his children. Even Ben was able to send a text via someone in his mission.  His favorite gift was a small gift bag that contained 60+ slips of paper. On each slip was written a special memory of Van or quality that family members admire in him. (Thanks Cheryl for the idea).

I thought I’d share a few of those on the blog.

“You have always had something in you that would not let you give up. Fighting in the back yard with the gloves, on the basketball floor, on the football field, in your business, with your family and in the Church. Even when the odds have been stacked against you and it seemed as the task in front of you was impossible to over come, you NEVER GIVE UP, AND KEEP ON FIGHTING!! “ --Kent

Dad has shown me how to sit back and relax and enjoy the beauty around me-- as well as a good movie :) I distinctly remember how hard Dad laughed when we were watching Home Alone and the tarantula spider gets put on the guys face. Of course,  I like some of the good ol' westerns too. Dad is obedient.” –Meagan

“He tried to cut me in two with a honey can lid. He was chosen as 'most preferred man' over me in high school when he was a sophomore and I was a senior.” –Tim

“I appreciate that Dad doesn't care about having expensive things or keeping up with the neighbors. Dad could talk to a homeless person or the Prophet and not treat them differently. I don't know what characteristic that is but it’s awesome. I enjoy how Dad tells a story.” –Heather

“I remember cleaning the car- whether it was me helping him, him teaching me the ins and outs of doing it or him consistently doing it once per week dad is meticulous in the maintenance of his vehicles.  I also remember when you ripped the bunny rabbit's head off and splattered blood along the side of the truck in the process- this was the first, and last time, you took Devan and I rabbit hunting.” –Sam
Sharing his birthday cake

“Van thinks about others a lot.  Most of us think more about ourselves.  He thinks about others and what he can do to help them.  I believe they call that charity.  Being concerned about and loving others.”  –Rex

“Van's stick-to-it iveness carried over in his ability to work hard in whatever he did.  He was a hard worker  and this also carried over in sports.  I remember watching him play against a center in Provo in basketball (I believe his name was Vroman.  This center was 7 feet tall if not more and Van worked his heart out guarding him.  Provo's coach said he had 't seen anyone work as hard as Van did against his center.  He was impressed with his work ethic and that he did as well as he did.”  –Rex

“He is a hard worker, very honest in all of his dealings. He is a great scout leader and role model. He leads by example and action as well as by his words.”  –Lonnie

Birthday dinner at Black Angus with Harwoods & Wingers
Well, there were many more nice things shared and said about Van the man. And they are all true. He is simply a great guy. I feel so blessed to share life with him. He is my best friend. He is fun to be with. I enjoy going places and doing things with him. It has been a special blessing to serve a mission together. It is fun to “watch him in action.” He is so good with people. He is kind, and unassuming. I am grateful for his love of and dedication to the Lord and to his family. I am grateful for his incredible patience and long-suffering—especially with me.

Way to BE Van my man.

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