Sunday, September 14, 2014

Week 48: What! No Title?

Happy about their new car!
Let's see ... what can I report about this week? Well, the weather here has been gorgeous -- absolutely delightful. We are mindful of our Utah friends who have been affected by floods and an unusually wet summer. It has been unusually dry and hot here.

President Blatter shared a story about a man who was baptized last Saturday. The Sister missionaries had "found" him when he was sitting in his car in a parking lot.  The man had felt earlier that he just needed to go to his car. These missionaries are following the counsel of President Blatter to "Open Your Mouth" -- talk to everyone!

Everybody is happy!
Elder Hadlock made some missionaries happy by delivering new cars to them. I got to go with him to Belfair to deliver a new 2015 Toyota Corolla to Sisters Wilcox & Smith. Took them for McFlurry's then handed over the keys to the new car.

We drove their "old" car back to Tacoma. Timed it just right I guess. The next morning it had a flat tire! Oh well. Better Elder Hadlock have to figure it out than these Sisters.

Elders Arneson & Clark
Also enjoyed taking the Elders that serve in our ward out for dinner. We went to a place called Steamers. They serve mostly seafood. But the best part is the view. It's right on the Sound, near a park, a train, and has a great view of the Narrows Bridge.  We often have the Elders just come to our apartment for dinner. But while the weather is so nice, we wanted them to have the waterfront experience.

Sister Nelson --- reminds me of my mother.
Elder Hadlock bit the bullet and paid for a membership in the local YMCA this week. His joints (particularly feet, elbow, and wrist) have been aching and giving him fits for quite a while.  He has been trying to use weights he has collected, but decided it's time to get some serious exercise. I am having a hard time making the YMCA commitment. What I'd really like to do is just go for a good walk every morning, but I don't want to go alone. Having a hard time finding another woman nearby who is able to do that.  I really, really miss my walks with Brenda & Shavon.
Any guesses what this is?  Call if you know!

We took it easy on Saturday.  We went to a Ward Picnic where I was able to get a photo with a sister in the ward who really reminds me of my mother. We did a little grocery shopping,  Elder Hadlock did the laundry and fixed us a yummy steak. I spent time working with personal finances as well as my mother's affairs.  There are a certain amount of "temporal" matters that require attention. Senior Couples are able to still do that. We can call family members as well. In fact, it's time for some Facetime -- and popcorn. See ya later!

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