Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week 9: Asking And Receiving

A week of answered prayers. Some too tender to mention.  But I will share a couple of things.  

Even though we're on a full-time mission, I've still been praying for a "missionary experience."  Got my wish on Thursday.  It was Park Day for the mission which means that all those who have cars are supposed to park them for the day and walk or get rides from members.  I got a call Thursday afternoon from Sisters Packard and Cassell (Sister Packard is a niece of Danny & Penny Sam) asking if I'd like to take them to an appointment that night. Of course I said I'd be glad to.  They did tracting from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.  Then I met them for their 7:00 p.m. appointment. 
Sister Cassell and Sister Packard
I won't take the time to give all the details, but may I just say that it was an experience that I'll not soon forget.  Still trying to wrap my head around it in fact.  The appointment actually fell through, but these sisters were prepared and had a backup plan.  We visited another home and got turned away, but the third stop to the humble home of an older gentleman proved to be "golden."  They asked the man if we could begin with prayer.  He said "yes."  They asked him if he would pray.  He said "yes." They taught a brief lesson, set up a time for another appointment, and committed him to going to church on Sunday.  I was really impressed.  But I was quite blown away when they extended an invitation to be baptized!  This is what they taught us in the MTC, but I was too afraid to actually do it in our role plays there.  These young sisters taught with love, confidence, enthusiasm, and faith.  They are well versed in the scriptures and had prepared themselves spiritually.  The phrase "....and a child shall lead them" (Isaiah 11:6), took on new meaning for me that night.  These young missionaries might be considered "children", but they are mature, prepared, and amazingly capable.  They will lead us in bringing people unto Christ.  We must help them. We can help find those who are seeking and then be a part of letting these wonderful missionaries teach and invite.  Ask for a missionary experience and you'll receive -- an amazing experience.

Asked and I received!

On On a lighter note: I've been wanting (asking for) a gravy separator. Couldn't find one at stores near me. Figured I'd have to bite the bullet and buy one at BBB. Then on our trip to Federal Way on Saturday, we found a Deseret Industries. Found a table for our Christmas tree, but Van made the best find -- a gravy separator for just 50 cents. Made my day. 
Me, Sis. Weaver, Sis. Harwood
One thing I didn't ask for this week was to help decorate the mission office Christmas tree.  Not my cup of tea for sure. Good thing our computers were down for three days or Sister Harwood and I may not have gotten around to the tree. But, it turned out OK I guess. Sister Weaver seemed pleased.          

Our tree in our apartment is much more simple. 
Just what I asked for!

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