As I set it all on the table, it didn't seem like much, but we were filled. We are happy. I told Elder Hadlock, "I guess we are living on love because there's not much left in the cupboards." He just rolled his eyes.
But, I think both of our hearts are filled with an extra measure of love right now -- love of God, love of His work, love of these good people in Washington, love of the missionaries we've gotten to know so well, love of the other couples we've served with, and even a greater love for each other.
The couple who is replacing us, Elder & Sister Brandi, arrived on Monday, and we have begun training them. They are wonderful people and eager to learn and to serve. We love them.
On Friday, I had my last hair appointment with Sharon. I was a little teary as I left, knowing this was also goodbye. Today was our last Sunday in the Sunset Ward. More tears, more goodbyes. We have come to love these people. They have been so good to us. We have loved going to Church here. We are grateful for new friendships formed. We have been changed for good by so many.
As hard as all the goodbyes are going to be (I prefer to think of them as "see-you-laters"), we are looking forward to getting home and living on (and with) the love of family and friends. We've missed that. We are anxious to rekindle and strengthen relationships with our loved ones.
Well, those are today's thoughts. And as powerful and wonderful as love is, I'm not sure we can live on love alone. That's why God created popcorn. I saved just enough for a couple more batches. (Whirley will stay with us for one more week. Then I'm going to leave her with someone we love.)
We love you all. Keep lovin'; keep moving forward. Life is good.
P.S. Since many are asking -- we plan to be back in Vernal on April 11. Bishop Ryan has asked us to speak on April 19.
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