Sunday, June 29, 2014

Week 38: Roller Coaster

Roller coaster week -- a roller coaster of emotions. Sure was hard to say goodbye to President and Sister Weaver. We've really come to love and admire the Weavers. They've shown us by example that love is the greatest motivator. Their love for the Savior is evident in the way they loved missionaries and missionary work. They are an example of "finishing strong." Even in the last hours of their mission they were going the extra mile to talk to struggling missionaries, meeting with investigators, and talking to strangers about the Church. They wept as it came time for them to leave on Friday morning. And, of course, so did I. Goodbyes are the worst. So, I try to remind myself (and others) what President Smuin often said, "There are no goodbyes, just see ya laters." -- or something like that. Still doesn't seem to squelch the tears.

At the same time, we are delighted to welcome President John D. Blatter and his wife Diane to the mission. They came in on Thursday afternoon. We met them briefly that afternoon and were able to visit with them for a minute at the baptism we attended on Saturday. The Blatters already love our missionaries. They even already know most of their names and faces.

It has been inspiring, actually, to see the "mantle" of the calling fall upon a new President as we've witnessed a "changing of the guard." It is another evidence to us that God is in charge and that through Priesthood power He qualifies those whom He calls to lead and direct the affairs of His kingdom.
We will do all we can to support and help the Blatters in their tremendous responsibilities and stewardship.

Well, with a little of the "pressure off," we relaxed a bit this weekend. I took occasion to do a jigsaw puzzle while Van watched a couple of old Western movies that Jason had sent him for Father's Day.

On Saturday morning we went for a walk. We ended up following signs that lead to a Garage Sale several blocks away.  Found a "treasure" -- an electric grill. We're not able to have a BBQ here at our apartment, even though we have a nice patio. We've missed being able to BBQ a steak, pork chop, or hamburger.
This electric grill isn't quite like a BBQ either, but we're excited to give it a try.

We were able to attend the baptism of Kelly Stokes on Saturday. The Bishop asked her to share her feelings afterward. She said that in making the decision to be baptized she "wanted God to know that she was ready to come home." The smile she had on her face Sunday after she was confirmed was unforgettable. We look forward to getting to know her better as she lives in another apartment complex nearby.
This afternoon we were invited to join with Kelly and a couple of other sisters in the ward for dinner at the Wards home. The Wards have had us over for games and/or dinner a couple of times. They are such friendly and kind people -- and great ward missionaries.

Bro. & Sis Ward, me, Kelly
Great day, but roller coaster ride wasn't over as I got word late this evening that my Mother is in the hospital. She's been having a rough go of it lately. Problems with her legs, then with her heart. I guess the doctors are still trying to figure it all out. She'll probably read this blog so I won't write much. She may chastise me for this. She's never been one to want to draw attention to herself, especially if she doesn't feel well. And she doesn't want folks fussing over her for sure. Mom, it's OK to ask for help. I'm sure it's going to be OK, but ... I just feel a bit helpless and am asking for the prayers of friends and family who might be reading. -- Don't tell her I told you!

Well, I like a good roller coaster ride, but it's gotta stop for a bit now. Time for a little rest before we get back on tomorrow.